Community First Consultation Services specializes in providing person-centered consultation Services.
About Us

Educates you about CFSS
We ensure our clients get enough understanding about the budget model and the agency provider model offered by CFSS.
Help you write your plan
We work with you to write a care plan by providing a template describing your needs and how a CFSS will help you.
We support you
We ensure that we offer support to you in all the services that are covered by the CFSS models.
At Community first consultation services, we assist you to develop a plan and navigating your CFSS services.
If you don't have a case coordinator and waiver services Community first consultation services will approve your plan.
At Community first consultation services, we will guide you through CFSS and knowing which CFSS Model is best for you.
Community First Consultation Services provide an unmatched quality in the technology and care planning. We at Community First Consultation Services employ the most diverse, respectful, consultant professional agents who are specifically trained in CFSS protocol and plan writing. We are a safe space for community members who may not have many places to receive quality services and at the same time feel secure and safe.
Community First Consultation Services offer 24hrs support for our customers. Community First Consultation Services speaks 20 language and provides translation and interpreter service including American Sign Language. In addition, we provide toll-free phone and fax number with TTY number for communicating with customers that are deaf or hard of hearing. Lastly Community First Consultation Services provides a web-based information and communication system. That the consumers can directly communicate through the website. (Even you can get Consultant Services online). We are unmatched in the quality of our services. You can look forward that each case Our services will be done efficiently and without delay.
When you choose Community First Consultation Services to help you develop your personal community support plan, you will benefit from years of expertise and is knowledgeable about the choices you’ll make as a participant and provide you with the appropriate information, so you’ll make well-informed choices. * We are well adept at developing a person-centered service plan that will be easy to implement.
More Benefits working with Community First Consultation Services
Community First Consultation Services staff will meet with you in person to complete the plan. The meeting can take place wherever you are most comfortable — usually occurring in your home. We guide you through a person-centered process that helps you identify your needs and goals for independence. After the plan is developed, we work with you on a regular basis throughout the year to assess how the plan is working for you and to adjust as needed.